Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The Power Of Internet Images

Pick 5 words.
curious, average, conformist, pretending, sausage.

Do you think she was successful? Elaborate.
Yes.  She totally showed her as that tumbler-insta-style average "look i am such a different person #authentic #yolo", that "unusual" but usual style. It is not bad, it is just how she sees herself.

Do you think that Jenny is someone who would be a good role model? A good mother? A good wife? A good friend?  

Role model - sure, may be she is already.
A good mother - I think I can't make this conclusion just of her Instagram profile - she is showing her as persona, not as mother. Same with wife.
Friend - yes, but real her is different, so I am making friends with Instagram-profile, not with her.

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